Quantitative Analysis for Management (G-PIE)12版
寫書不容易,出版一本書更是要花費許多心力。讓我們一起向這些偉大的作者、譯者與編輯,致上最高的敬意。 一本好書,不僅內容豐富精彩,文筆生動流暢、深入淺出地具有高可讀性,在讀過後還有一種「讚嘆」的感覺,讓你對世界的認識又提升了一層。 整理了幾本書值得你一看
A solid foundation in quantitative methods and management science
This popular text gives students a genuine foundation in business analytics, quantitative methods, and management science—and how to apply the concepts and techniques in the real world—through a strong emphasis on model building, computer applications, and examples. The authors’ approach presents mathematical models, with all of the necessary assumptions, in clear, plain English, and then applies the ensuing solution procedures to example problems along with step-by-step, how-to instructions. In instances in which the mathematical computations are intricate, the details are presented in a manner that ensures flexibility, allowing instructors to omit these sections without interrupting the flow of the material. The use of computer software enables the instructor to focus on the managerial problem and spend less time on the details of the algorithms. Computer output is provided for many examples throughout the text.
旅遊指南 |
書 名: 越南
曾有過輝煌王朝,也曾走過烽火連天的殺戮歲月,而今日的越南,隨著城市不斷進化,觀光產業急速發展,已然成為一處新興的旅遊市場。建築、街道仍留有殖民遺韻,新舊光影交織在這座在這個尚在開發之路的國度,曾在此殖民的外國人隨著戰火蔓延而離開,今日又為追尋舊日時光而來,來去之間,串起越南複雜而又富有個性的旅遊面貌。 |
書 名: 第一次自助遊曼谷超簡單
曼谷是泰國的首都,更是東南亞最重要的旅遊城市,佛教古國的神秘、四季如夏的氣候、風味獨具的泰式料理、引領亞洲時尚的設計精品……交融成古今紛呈且色彩鮮明的多元風貌,吸引來自全球各地的無數旅人們一再造訪。本書帶你認識曼谷的必嚐美食、時尚服飾、設計家俬、特色市集、古蹟名刹、在地節慶、主題表演、精選SPA,以及可買回家自助SPA的香氛產品等,還包括準備證件、購買機票、預訂旅館、準備旅費、打包行李及詳盡的曼谷當地交通等資訊,讓第1次到曼谷的旅客也能如識途老馬,輕鬆玩遍這座美麗城市。 |